Full Steam Ahead in 2019
Full Steam Ahead in 2019
I wrote an article a little over 18 months ago on what it meant for me to make the move to Client One Securities. It’s been two years since I made the move to Client One and here’s what I’ve learned; more importantly, what I’ve experienced.
Simply put. When it comes to choosing a partner, it comes down to a few core attributes: work ethic, attitude, trustworthiness and dependability. Did I make the right leap? Yes! I’m solidified in my decision and see every day why values matter, a team’s work ethic and go-getter attitude can be powerful. I think we can say the same for many of our advisors too. Here’s why. Let me give you a little back story.
This year we wanted to do something special for one of our most valued team members at the home office. We secretly launched the first ever President’s Award, asking advisors to nominate one home office employee. For countless responses, our advisors said, “We have to choose one?”
Here are just a few of the quotes advisors said about the Client One team:
“Their consistency to surpass all expectations makes them unique. This person is raved about behind the scenes in our office.”
“They’re always ready to help in anyway they can. They do this with a smile on voice which makes them cool to work with.”
“This lady is always and I mean ALWAYS on her game. She knows her “stuff” and if she doesn’t know she will find out. She has superb customer service in getting right back to me and she does it with a smile on her face. I love that….”
“We have to choose the best? It’s nearly impossible. It’s extremely tough to pick just one person. Everyone is great. Everyone treats me like I am the only advisor they have to attend to. I really can’t think of a higher compliment than that.”
When you’re looking at a sea of broker dealers, it’s the personalized service behind the scenes and dedication to your team that can help your business thrive and eliminate stress. When you hear raving comments like these about your team, you know you work with some incredible professionals. We’re successful because of our advisors/reps and the dependable team mates at the home office.
2018, Booyah.
Fair winds in 2019.
Jeff Eisenhauer, President, CEO